CVB Edge는 가장 빠르고 정확하게 에지를 검출하기 위해 Threshlod method, Contrast method, 2nd derivation method 등의 에지 검출 기법을 제공합니다.
first edge, edge pair, all edges (also with subpixel accuracy) 등 다양한 에지 검출 기능을 제공합니다.
· available as a DLL as well as an OCX control
· supports TArea type AOI’s (parallelograms of any angle) including pixel dropping using a so called “DENSITY” parameter
· supports the image coordinate system and Sub-pixeling
· functions to do projections, filter those projections with user defined filter kernels and functions to detect edges with three different algorithms
· focussed on processing speed, set of edge detection functions focussed on accuracy
· supports one (selectable) image plane
· supports up to 32 bits per plane (unsigned)
· supports iTuition the graphical interface of Common Vision Blox is available as part of the CVB Foundation Package